Posted by: Robin~AllThingsHeartandHome | February 20, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

Beautiful Living Friday  ~ Ambience


. Over at The Inspired Home, Kim is doing Beautiful Living Fridays. This month the focus in on “ambience”.  What is ambience anyway? The dictionary says: “a particular environment or surrounding”.  For me, one thing that creates ambience is surrounding myself with my favorite things…things I love. Things, that when I look at them, I get this… feeling…

Yes, I decorate with my feelings. 

I don’t decorate with the latest trends in mind. Nothing against them, it’s just that when I’ve done that in a room it doesn’t take me long to get tired of it. I enjoy taking my time and treasure hunting. I’ll usually come across something at an antique store or flea market (or even TJ Max !) and my heart skips a beat. I know immediately that “this or that” has potential to become: one of my favorite things~

~Here are a few things that create an ambience of nostalgia and joy in my little world~

 This is one of the old Norman Rockwell pictures I have. They live in my guest room which is pretty girly. I found the pictures at an antique store. When I saw them they transported me back to my childhood. I spent lots of time curled up on the sofa pouring over a big coffee table book my parents had of Norman Rockwell’s paintings.young-love-picture


Also in the guest room, my milk glass lamp with the smoky violet globe. I looked at this lamp for months before I took the plunge.  I wonder if I’ve ever turned it on without smiling.


 I have books in every single room in my house. They make me happy. The older the better~ This one is from 1930, The Husband got it for me because he knew it was one of my favorites as a child~ hans-brinker-1930s-book

This is a shelf that goes all around the room in our master bath. I love putting up things we love and switching them out from time to time.

I found the bird picture in an antique store, I was drawn to it because it reminded me of my Gramma, who adored her feather friends~ The 3 lanterns were ones used by The Husband’s father when he worked for the railroad…he loves them~


This was an old cabinet door Stephie and I found at a flea market. I love the paint, or lack thereof and use it as a magnet board next to the kitchen phone, the old pictures are my mom as a little girl and her mom, my Nanny~


 I fell in mad love with this old lamp when I saw it at an antique store off the Marietta Square…I’m not sure what I love most, the beautiful shape or the soft pink globe, I use it as a reading light in my little library room. No other pink in the library room, but I don’t care, I love the lamp~


There aren’t words enough to tell you how much I love my books…some of these belonged to my Gramma, she loved her books too. The really old ones were given to me by The Husband over the years. He’s been to lots of estate sales and used book stores to surprise me with some of my favorite titles…


I found this old mirror when we were redecorating the downstairs bath. It still gives me joy butterflies when I think of all the things this mirror must have seen~

The sign speaks for itself 🙂


So there you have it, some of the things that make my life more beautiful. What are a few of your favorite things? 



  1. Thank you for the tour, Robin. I am sentimental about things just like you and am happier decorating with things I enjoy as well. Right now with our house on the market we’ve had to put away many of our things we love and go for a more “appealing for the masses” type decorating and I have to say I don’t love it. We tried to find things we liked and we did…but I miss the things we adore. So I am completely on board with what you’re saying about decorating with feelings — and BOOKS!

  2. Aubien, hopes & prayers that your house sells soon so you can unpack the things you adore 🙂

  3. I love all your treasures- you sounds like a women after my own heart-
    Have a wonderful day and thanks for sharing

  4. Hi. I just came over from the Inspired Room. I love your post! The things you showed are all very pretty. Decorating with your feelings and the things you love is my method too. Sometimes it means I have blank spots for a long time…or it can mean that something stays in the same place for longer than most people would. It’s just hard to change something that I really love.

  5. Your book collection is amazing, and I love the lanterns! Thanks for showing us around! I love photographs and I could wallpaper my wall with them! 🙂

  6. The books. Oh the books. I’d like to spend a month in there just reading all of those books!

  7. Wow, you have tons of beautiful things that mean so much to you! That book collection is to die for and I love that cabinet door!

    Your home looks cozy and meaningful, I love it.

    If any of your friends or readers want to see more Beautiful Life posts, they can find them here:

  8. I love how you have used items of personal meaning to create ambiance in your home. I love the books!!! And, the first lamp featured with its vintage millinery flowers, so pretty. Thanks for sharing a few of your favorite things.

  9. So much to love here, really, partly because you have such a good eye for decorating, but also because I FEEL the love in all things you 🙂

    I think my favorite part is seeing you in the reflection of the mirrors!!!

    Have a fabulous day today! This really is a fantastic idea for a post 🙂 Love to you Robin!

  10. My favorite things you showed are the pearls around the lamp and the door. My brother gave me an old door and I have it on the porch. Now I know what to do with it!

    Thanks. LOVE THE BOOKS. Wish I could smell them. Old books have this delicious smell, you know.

  11. um i would just like to point out how greatly in shape you are? it’s making me jealous.

    what, are you like 27?


  12. I’m so with you… I totally decorate on emotion. I love my things that were once the things of someone I loved. I’m pretty sure the only reason I don’t lose my mind not being able to leave the house is because I’ve surrounded myself with love instead of fashion.

    And you are cute in that mirror!!! 😉

  13. I love your post!!!LAURIE

  14. Lovely, lovely treasures to create a lovely, lovely home! Your lampshade idea is fabulous! I may have to try something like that with my vintage millinery! Your posts really touched my heart this morning! Thank you.

    I hope you can stop by and see one of my posts on called millinery magic–check out the curtain tiebacks.


  15. I love your beautiful blue lamp and gorgeous shade with the vintage silk flowers and pretty blue velvet ribbon. Can you believe one of my favorite things that make me smile every time I use it is my butter dish. It is a marraige of a beautiful saucer with violets and trimmed in gold and a crystal dome-


  16. I absolutely LOVE your passion girlfriend!


  17. Your home so reflects your inner beauty.

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