Posted by: Robin~AllThingsHeartandHome | April 21, 2009

Graduation Banner Tutorial!


Congrats Emma!

My baby is graduating from KSU next month and we’re doing an open house to celebrate! Way to go Emma! This is the picture that is going on her graduation announcement…isn’t it awesome! Her friend Joseph took it on the day she and Tim were having their engagement pictures taken by the one and only Daley Hake…have you seen his work? You gotta run over and check him out. The guy has mad camera skills! Anyhoo, this picture is the flavor-flav I want the Graduation Open House to have…


I wanted to make a banner for the open house…but as always, I’m on a budget. I found these (not exactly right colored) letters at Archives (my local paper store) for $1.99 a pack!!!! I bought 2. I had no idea what exactly I’d do with them to make them work but I was pretty sure I’d figure out something!


I looooove paint! It makes everything better! And to give them a grungy look I outlined them with a brown watercolor pencil and then wet my finger and smeared away…


Then I cut out flags from great looking paper!


And then I did what I always do with almost any craft…I got out the Mod Podge…The letters were supposed to be sticky but they were heavier than the paper flags so…Mod Podge to the rescue! I got carried away and also spread Mod Podge over the entire flag once the letters were glued on…it was great! They dried feeling almost plastic! 


After the letters on and the fronts of the flags were dry(this doesn’t take very long) I folded a bit at the to of the flag, trimed the 2 corners and used a funky yarn to hang them on…

dsc_1420You guessed it, I used my Mod Podge to glue the flags to the yarn, spacing about an inch apart. (I also used 4 strands of the yarn and cut it REALLY long. you may need lots of extra yarn on each side depending on where you hang it!)  Oh and ribbon or twine would work great depending on what flavor-flav you are going with~


Now…I thought they needed a little bling…so some scrap-book cut-outs and flowers and a button here and there was perfect! Have fun with this part!


Here are some close ups of the bling! (My paper store has die-cuts that you can use for absolutely free. So I take my paper scraps in there every so often and leave with lots of fun shapes! But you can also buy shapes at the craft stores!)


I found a pack of these fun flowers at Michael’s on big sale!




Oh and I forgot to mention my AMAZING almost son-in law Tim is also graduating from KSU in May! I had to make a TIM flag!



So there you have it! Since they are getting married in September this banner may just show up at a couples shower this summer!


oh and I have to show you a few of Daley Hake’s photos of Tim and Em’s engagement shoot

Loves me some Daley Hake and some Tim & Em!!!!



  1. So why have I always ordered those tacky expensive look-alike banners? I thought that’s what you HAVE to do!

    I love how you pick up something when you’re shopping and just know you’ll somehow use it. 🙂

    And who has a paper store? What is a paper store? I’ve never heard of such…..

  2. that is adorable, as well as the subjects in the photos!! Way to go Emma and Tim, on making such success!!!

  3. Hi! I absolutely LOVE this banner! I’d love to feature it on my blog, if you don’t mind. I hearby swear to give you all the much deserved credit and link back to this entry. What do you think?

  4. Robin, so much on your plate right now! Weddings, births, graduations, oh my goodness. All of that is a full time job in itself!

    What beautiful photos, of a beautiful couple 🙂 You must be so proud of them. We are swamped with making graduation announcements but its so fun to try to match design to each graduate’s personality!

  5. Robin, you are the winner for the necklace AND I have featured you today!
    email me.

  6. I love the banner. And I esp. love how you attached the flags to the yarn. I always struggle in that area. So, thanks for that tip.
    Stopping by from TCB.

  7. What a cute banner! Love your blog! I’ll be back to visit soon(:

  8. That is AWESOME. The pictures are too. Love that grafitti one!

  9. Seriously. Could they get any cuter? I can’t wait to see the wedding photos 🙂

  10. Hi! Saw your blog featured on Today’s Creative Blog–cute stuff! And congrats to Emma & Tim…I’m trying to get done at KSU as well!

  11. the pictures are great. and i liked how you grunged up the letters.

  12. I’m new to the blogging world and i’ve been seeing a lot of the banners used as decorations but no one ever explained how they did it. Thank you so much for the lesson!!! I plan to make one for every holiday. Also love the engagement photos! Great looking couple. Congrats on your daughters Graduation and soon to be Wedding day

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