Posted by: Robin~AllThingsHeartandHome | March 20, 2009

Wanna see Elllie in action???

And here’s Gigi (I want to be called Gigi, this may or may not kinda stand for “Grama Gay”. I hate the name Grama Gay and I like Gigi, not to mention that I’ve always wanted someone to give me a pet name, like if your name is Sophia and people who love you call you Sophie…or your name is Ruth and your peeps call you Ruthie…I figure this is my absolute last chance in life to have a pet name~ Now,I’m not fooling myself. I absolutely understand that Elliot will most likely decide to call me Meemaw or Old Granny G or some such, but I’m going down fighting for Gigi ~) anyhoo …

This is the first time I’ve gotten to hold our baby…


She was very  sllleeepy when we got to the NIC U…


We tried to wake her up so she could eat…We were saying things like” open your little eyes snoockums, sweetie, darling little kumquat, sweet potato, snicker doodle, shugga plum shugga plum shugga plum…”


And we annoyed her until she opened one tiny eye and glared at us you’ve got to be kidding me” she seemed to say…(Oh and look she has her Gigi’s second chin!!!)


Isn’t she Scrumptous~


 I promised you’d see Elliot in action…now to the action part…

I wanted to post this video of Elliot but it wouldn’t work on wordpress…but my AMAZING son-in-law put it up on his blog so I could link to it…Here’s the thing it’s 1 minute long and you don’t have to watch it for that long, but reeeally click over and check out our baby for a few seconds she’s doing lots of new and amazing things like looking adorable sucking on her paccie!!!  Here’s Jon’s site…

I’m a Happy Man

Love to you my Peeps~ I’m going to tell you about my very thrilling give away next week!!!


  1. I am off to bed and decided just one last click… I will now have the sweetest of dreams. She is just precious and I can just feel the love when I see her Gigi holding her for the first time. Such sweetness. Love ya Gigi, hugs to baby Elliot!!

  2. Lots and lots of kisses to this little angel, so beautiful.

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you made my day! I feel like we’re 20-something again–seeing you hold your baby. Yes, I know, Gigi, it’s your granddaughter. I can only imagine what the love must be like.

    She’s absolutely gorgeous!!

  4. P.S. Can I hire Jon Smith?

  5. Elliot is absolutely beautiful. I love the video and hearing her sounds of life. More tears of joy here. — It’s funny, I always wanted one of those endearing names too. When I married my honey, his grandson was 1 1/2. He couldn’t say Susan… came out Zuzu. The name stuck and I am Gra’ma Zuzu. I love it! — It’s wonderful to see you all doing fabulously. Blessings, SusanD

  6. You are an amazing Mom and Rambo Grandma. I am so happy that you could hold her. More and more holding and loving is the cure. Stephanie is such a strong girl and I know that she will be a wonderful mom. I am so happy she has a great husband. I read his blog. Your family is so blessed.

  7. Oh, that is so adorable, sweet and precious! Yeah for getting to hold her. : )

  8. So freaking cute.
    Babies & binkies melt my heart. 🙂

  9. You look like a natural Gigi. I guess Rob was not the nickname you were looking for? Gigi is much better.

    Elliot is absolutely beautiful!

  10. Robin, both of your baby girls are beautiful! Hopefully, your little Ellie will be home soon. With that pout on her face, it looks like she’s ready to ‘kick butt!’ Watch out world!

    I have not done anything on my facebook site except sign-up! In the meantime, I am enjoying reading about everyone else.

    “My” Owen is almost 8 months old and – of course – he is the brightest, cutest, etc. etc. of ANY baby ever born. I’ve been trying to decide between GG and Mia for a name. GG, of course, for Gorgeous Grandma and Mia because Mia means MINE…..what do you think?

    Leslie (Richmond) O’Connell

  11. Ok Gigi I love the name and just arrived from Sydney and so glad all is well. Gail keeps me informed of all that was going on while I was out of the country for 5 days. I hate when I have to leave for such a long time and be so out of touch, but I know you know I have no choice Soooooo is this your special way of getting out of the grandmother thing and what are me, Gail ,Sandy going to do about the great, great niece thing!!!!!!Hey give us some help here!!! Just kidding and love and we all love being the GREAT…GREAT AUNT AND UNCLE OF THE WONDERFUL LOVELY ELLIOT BABY GIRL!!!!!! and so wanting to see her as soon as we can. Love you Stephanie and Jon. Aunt (Great, Great, ) Toni

  12. Also, your grandaddy wanted to let you and Steph know he is now a 5th generation and he went on and on about how many people never see there 5th generation. Moma Cochran, was also a 5th generation before she died, however it was very rare .when she was alive. I love you and miss you all so much. Aunt Toni

  13. You and the Baby are so beautiful I just love you so much….. Aunt Toni

  14. Seriously, one minute was not enough! I could sit and watch her for hours. You are one blessed lady!!!

  15. she’s beautiful and i LOVE gigi, i think it’s a great choice!

  16. Aww… Gigi…

    I’m in love with Elliot. I’ve never seen a cuter pacifier-sucker in my whole life 🙂

    How’s she doing?

  17. I like GiGi too, my aunt is GiGi to her grandkids because that is how the first one said grandma, so it stuck and she loves it! I am so glad that everyone is doing well! She is so beautiful!

    • Can’t believe your aunt is a GiGi too! That makes me feel better about the name Rene’!

  18. How beautiful she is! And I think Gigi is perfect. :0)

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