Posted by: Robin~AllThingsHeartandHome | March 17, 2009

~Waiting on Ellie, A look at the nursery~

We’ve been getting our Ellie’s nursery ready while she’s getting strong enough to come home.  I wanted to sho you some pictures because right now I’m all about our baby…But first, here are some pics of Baby Elliot and her little IV arm  and her feeding tube. We sure hope and pray she gets the IV out tomorrow…


Oh my goodness this baby is smoochable…


It’s almost more than I can stand I want to camp out in the NIC-U and memorize her!


Now to Elliot Gwen’s nursery…

Elliot has books and little friends waiting on her sweet self…


Her bed and bear are waiting…


Her closet is nothing if not adorable…



Ellie’s momma is HER mother’s daughter, don’t ya think?



Elllie’s got a “Lucky” diaper bag! And even an overnight bag waiting for her little traveling self. (She has to be at 2 out of town Weddings this summer!)


Shhhh, we’re waiting for Ellie…



I think Ellie’s pouting about not being home…


Yep, that’s definately a tiny pout. I don’t blame her. (Aren’t those the most smoochable little lips and cheeks!?)



  1. She is beautiful! Definitely kissable. Her mommy is like her own mommy, for sure. What a sweet baby. Still sending up prayers for her. How is Stephie feeling?

  2. She is precious!

  3. Sweet, sweet spirit~

  4. Ohhhh, it feels as though I’ve just toured the nursery. It’s so beautiful–and so many cute clothes. Ellie’s going to have lots of things to choose from in the ensemble area each day. 🙂

    So grateful–sounds like she’s coming home soon.

    And she’s gaining weight. I can tell.

  5. Oh my, oh my….what a doll-baby she is!!!! I know she is being covered in smooches! So sweet! Oh, and that nursery! I think she is one lucky baby girl!!! Prayers are still being lifted up! Any idea on when they will release her?

  6. Elliot is getting more beautiful each day. Still offering up prayers for God’s will and mercy on this little Angel. The nursery just needs one thing more…………………..Elliot.
    Hugs and kisses.

  7. Oh my stars! She is *definitely* most smoochable, and huggable, and squeeshable, and snuggable and and and and!! So stinkin’ precious!!

    And her room! Is to die for! What a lucky lil Ellie girl. I can’t wait for her to come. 🙂

    Love & Blessings.

  8. home…. can’t wait for her to come HOME.

    forgot that last part. I was just so excited. :p

  9. Oh Robin, she is absolutely precious! And her nursery looks so warm and cozy.

  10. I am so thankful for the sweet spirit you teach to your girls…… Robin….by living with Jesus.

    You are all healing from this traumatic journey in preparing “Home for Ellie”…..I am so excited for you…..She is definitely the “Warm Choc Chip Cookie and Milk”……Your comfort fix “Baby Ellie”
    God Bless you all this day.

  11. Oh my word those are the most precious baby pics!! Oh my gosh, I am getting the biggest case of baby fever… almost as big as my spring fever so you know its that big!! Beyond smoochable!!

    And that nursery is beautiful! Its really elegant and sweet and just needs baby girl there with her momma and papa there to make it complete 🙂 Praying for that time to come soon!

  12. !!!!!!!!!!!! She is seriously edible. Those little cheeks are just begging to be nibbled. And that hair. She’s a looker already.

    All I keep thinking is that she’s actually small enough that *I* could hold her. Mmmm… snuggle her a little extra for me, k?

    And… is it fair that she already has more clothes than I do? Seriously.

  13. Her beauty leaves you all warm and speechless. She is amazing!

  14. Such a beautiful little girl, the pout just makes me want to kiss those sweet little lips! So glad she is doing better!

  15. Oh my goodness! That pout is enough to put me into baby craving. TMI but i think my milk might come down just looking at her:) God is so good! How is Stephie doing? Are things getting resolved? Still praying!

  16. So precious this baby and so beautiful.

  17. I’m digging the pics of the nursery. Elliot will see it really soon. 🙂 Thanks Gigi.

  18. Hey Robin! What a sweet little baby! Got your note in the mail (sorry my printer up and died on me so I couldn’t print out my normal inserts with my info and I think I had a blond moment to just forget it all together) and hope you are enjoying your coffee cozy 🙂

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