Posted by: Robin~AllThingsHeartandHome | January 22, 2009

Treasure Hunting!

I’m so happy that two of my girls are in need of fun stuff from antique stores!  I said “need” and I’m not kidding! I’ve been getting to make lots of treasure hunting trips with them lately!

Stephie is decorating “Baby Girl’s” nursery kinda “Shabby Chic”. (I’ve been informed that Baby Girl will not get her real name untill her mom and dad lay eyes on her in the hospital. So I’m forced to continue calling her by my pet name for her…Baby Girl. Original huh!)

And Bethany is having a small wedding in Charleston (in May) and using vintage china, all different patterns, for the reception. Also, we’re looking for something “just right” for the center pieces! So we’ve been hitting the antique stores every week searching for treasures! This time I brought along my camera! Maybe you’ll be inspired by something you see, I know I was!

This yummy booth had tons of ideas for “Baby Girls” nursery! (Please notice I’m getting better with my mad photoshop text-on-picture skills!!)


 We are almost positive we’ll use something bird/egg themed for the tables at the wedding…not sure what yet! 

We’re thinking about nests or vintage bird cages…




 Just look at how carefree this little robin looks!!! Hummmmm…..


 Have I mentioned how very much I adore pink!?





If Michelle Obama can wear one of these why can’t I? Aren’t they preeety?


Any ideas on a shabby chic nursery or a vintage wedding? We’re in major creative brain-storming mode around here and would love your input!

Love to you Peeps! ~TTFN~







  1. Cute ideas…that sounds like fun, the “search”.I also am a very big fan of pink..LOVE IT.
    Anyway, I though I would share w/you a theme a friend had at her son’s wedding. It also was a small wedding and the rehersal dinner was in a small very intimate book store/cafe. Very vintage and she collected vintage books wrapped w/ribbon/flowers on top for centerpieces. And made “vintage” looking books (leather bond) to give guest and had stores about Bride/Groom printed inside. It was very quaint!

  2. You’re so funny! I wish I could venture out with you and the girls in your antique stores. Yours look a lot more fun than the ones I have out here. Also, being the bird lover I am, I have to point out the care free bird in the lovely picture is a Bluebird. Although it would have been more appropriate if it had been a Robin! You’ve gotten me in the mood to do some treasure hunting myself. Good luck with your hunt.

  3. Actually Deb you’re right! It’s a blue bird! I’m kinda glad because I was feeling a pull to go back and buy the darn thing…now I can just let it go!!!

  4. Ohhh, how I love these ideas. I’m going to a big antique show on Saturday–will keep my eyes open.

    I wonder how you get all these pics in your blog so beautifully!! It’s so much fun to check it out each day. Great for creativity.


  5. How fun! Its hard to narrow and select with so many unique ideas available. I bow to your decorative and creative eye!

    Enjoy your special time with the girls!

  6. My little girl has a version of this chandelier in her room and it has been my very favorite thing since before she was born.

    Have fun!

  7. What a cute shoppe. Love all the beautiful items.

  8. I am SO uncreative today. I have been so medicated for this ear (cold meds to keep the E. tube open) that I have slept and in the middle of the night while I was awake from sleeping most of the day, I decided to learn to knit. I can now cast on two ways, and do a knit stitch. I am off to learn to purl. While I’m working, I will think about all this creativity you have going on. Who knows, maybe an idea will slip up on me.

    How are you?

  9. Robin,

    I had a friend share one idea for wedding favors that I thought was worth mentioning, she was at a “vintage” shabby-chic style wedding where they used antiqued handkerchiefs that hand the couple’s initials sewn on them as wedding favors… it sounded so charming I thought I’d share!

  10. Robin, I was intrigued with your eggs and bird in this article. I love birds. We do all we can to bring birds to our yard. I collect eggs (largest is Ostrich, and smallest is Finch). I dry them very slowly. I do not remove the inside. It dries inside them. My father in law gave me some of the eggs from some of his chickens. He also gave me 3 wild turkey eggs. He died 6 years ago. I hope to keep them for my grandchildren – some day. Good luck as you decide about your eggs.

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