Posted by: Robin~AllThingsHeartandHome | February 18, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday…Decorating on a Shoestring

Spring fever! I’ve got it.  Here in the deep south, after Valentine’s Day something strange happens. Everyone pretends it’s Spring time! We start dressing lighter. No more heavy coats. No more gloves. The huge snowmen on the childcard doors at the gym came down last week…guess what went up? Daffodils! Of course there are bathing suits out in every store. (This makes me angry by the way) Even the trees fall for pretend Spring-time. At this very moment there are buds on the Cherry trees.  They’ll probably freeze but last week it was in the 70’s so what’s a bud to do but try to bloom? We didn’t get snow in the ATL. Not even one flake. So I have to move on.

Spring makes me want to redecorate a little here and there. But the budget this year doesn’t leave much room for that. So I’m looking for great ideas for decorating on a shoestring!  Over at Rocks in My Dryer she hosts a little carnival called:  Works for Me Wednesday.  Visit her to find lots of links to great ideas! Since it’s Wednesday, I’m going to show you what works for me with using about everything BUT curtains for curtains!

Here’s what I put up in the guest bathroom…I change these all the time. These are 2 vintage pillow cases that I love. And the pom-pom trim was at a flea market for almost nothing but I loved it and thought it added a little whimsy.



This is our guest room. This little curtain is an Irish Linen I fell in love with and kept in a drawer until one day I just wanted to see it all the time.  I’m ready to replace it, I’m just waiting to fall in love with a vintage table cloth I can use!

curtains52 curtains-6

My shower curtains are strange too! This one, in the guest bath is a matlesee I found for about $15.00 on sale at TJ Max.


And this one in our bathroom covers up an ugly glass shower door. It’s a crocheted bedspread I found at an antique store. It was a great price and I loved it although when I brought it home I had no idea what I’d do with it.


Lastly, these are my den curtains. I’m about to change them too but I wanted to show you these. Last Spring, I found these really cheap valances at The Pottery and added fabric to the bottom.  They cost next to nothing and I don’t feel bad about getting something new…as long as I find it for next to nothing too!


So these are some of the easy and inexpensive things I’ve done for curtains. Have you ever decorated on a shoestring? Do tell!!!

PS Peeps…My little Bird Magnets were a tiny feature today on One Pretty Thing…you’ll love this site, Rachel rocks!


  1. I had a hand-me-down white, cotton, waffle shower curtain that I cut off, tucked under (I would like to say that I sewed the hem, but I taped it) and used it as a curtain in my bedroom. It’s still there and I really like it. Both my bedroom window and the window in the red room have the curtains hung up by using silver shower curtain rods set inside the window frame. The curtains on my desk/closet area are hung that way too. It saved buying expensive rods and also saved the wood by not using screws. It’s been pretty handy!

  2. My shower curtain is a five dollar twin flat sheet from Wal-Mart! I couldn’t find the brown I wanted until I came across that sheet. It was TOO easy.

    This was fun, Robin! I am so relieved to know I’m not alone for the way I do curtains…all fabrics for that matter. I rarely buy bolts of fabric, but love to recycle things I find at the Goodwill as fabric. My curtain in my bedroom right now, ironically, is a big piece of fabric that my grandmother gave me before she passed away…or maybe it was given to me by the executor because I never picked it up. I’m not sure. Anyway. I have felt all mixed up and discombobulated by my curtains, but if you and Gitz do it, then I’m going to stop feeling like I’m cheating and start taking joy in this musical fabric thing that is going on around here.

    @Gitz, I am nuts! I have a shower curtain as a rod in a place where it just kind of found its way, and still I didn’t think of using them in the other rooms. I will try to remember that.

  3. Love your characteristic touch of whimsy you add to your decor! Love your blog!


  4. No, I am terrible at decorating! Ahhh!

  5. At times. But for me it would so look like I had used the blanket for the shower curtain, and placemats for window treatments… for you and your decorating eye it just looks beautiful and clever 🙂

  6. Love your blog, Robin! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and my interview with Rachel of OPT…Stop by again and sit down for a spell!

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog!
    I was checking out yours-and love it! I LOVE Guidepost mag. and I found a clipboard in my husband’s trunk, and was thinking about what I can do with it-glad I read your article!!!

  8. I love it, great ideas!

    I am getting spring fever too, and I live on the West Coast! But we have had a few sunny days and that always gets me ready for spring!

  9. I had some fabric napkins that were my grandmothers and had flowers embroidered on them. I used them as a valance on my kitchen window. I folded them in half and folded them over a curtain rod with them lapping over each other and the corners with the flowers on them hanging down, they were so cute and I loved them for a long time.

  10. I can’t fake spring here because it’s been raining for the last week! I agree it’s too soon for the bathing suits…but I am ready

  11. Fun window treatment ideas.

    I love the pillowcases.

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