Posted by: Robin~AllThingsHeartandHome | February 4, 2009

Antiquing Again!

Antiquing Again!

Okay, 31 week pregnant Stephanie and I have been antiquing again! We went to this huge antique mall and spent at least 2 hours of antiquing bliss! I had a brief moment of deep desire for these little peeps, then I moved on. Now, I’m determined to go back and buy them. I need these little smoochable snoockums!



Books with pink in the title…who knew?


The pitcher made me think of my bud,Gitz! Love it!





I want to make one of these for Baby Girls room…this one cost way too much!



This was soooo yummy to touch!



And this is fun…you’ve seen this painting before, it’s everywhere…well Stephie and I think that this is what The Boo would look like (not the pup, the boy!) if he was magically turned into a reeeeal boy~ Every time we see it we squeal “Oh there’s The Boo!”  (Okay…I squeal, Stephie giggles) Don’t pretend you don’t see the uncanny resemblance, just look at those lips!


I came home with this darling little robin or is she a bluebird???!!! (She’s wearing her Sunday go ta meetin hat!)

Sooo, here’s my question, is she too casual to use somehow in Bethany’s wedding centerpieces? I want to buy her little robin husband and use them as cake toppers, but Bebe & Darren are having cupcakes! I can get more of them and there’s gotta be SOMEWHERE we could use her little self. 



  1. Good morning,
    Your blog is so much fun to see and read about the things you do each day. You really do make the most of every day you are blessed with.

    Your blog on organizing Mondays has motivated me to purge items I no longer need and organize the ones I have left. Thank you.
    You are a very special person.

  2. Of course this blog made me think of you. Can you guess why?

    Hint: It’s NOT the title (that makes me think of me-you’ll see why I had to cover that).

    Going back up to read your post now…

  3. You make me want one of each and every one of those Robin! And to be able to come with you antiquing. Too casual did not occur to me when I saw what does look to be a robin to me. It’ll be fun to see what you end up doing with her or him!

  4. I have SO many things to say on this post! I’ll try to keep it short.

    On the centerpiece: I’m sorry for not knowing this already, but does Bethany share your passion for Robins? (I’m guessing that’s a yes)

    On The Boo: I totally see it. My big brother used to say that when our dog, Charlie, smiled, he looked like our daddy just a little bit.

    On the baby quilt for decoration: If you like this idea and want to wait until the baby is out of her newborn clothes, you can make a quilt using a couple of Stephanie’s cotton maternity tops and a few pieces of the baby’s newborn clothes. Add matching receiving blankets or one of her crib sheets for backing/trim and you have a decoration and an heirloom! Of course you might want to buy backing and/or a couple of fabrics to make everything work together well. I did this for Alexa (baby size, of course) and I am SO glad I did. I wish I had done it for the other two.

    On the birdies you’re going back for: Are you going to use it as a planter or will you be doing something different with it? It’s so sweet.

    On the antique wardrobe: Sigh. I LOVE antique wardrobes. My grandmother has several of them. I love just being near them.

    You make me want to go antiquing, Robin!

  5. I love that pitcher 🙂 I have some cereal bowls, and mixing bowls and such… and I had a whole set of those plates, too. But I didn’t use the plates that much so I donated them when the tornadoes went through and they needed kitchen items.

    Which was good, because there isn’t enough room in my little kitchen cupboards for one more piece!

  6. I LOVE those little birdies and , yes, you should go back and get them. Put a sweet little plant in it and you have the perfect gift for a new mom.

    The robin… Hmmmm. If the bride loves robins, it would be adorable. I think it’s a matter of personal likes. If the person doesn’t love robins, well, maybe it would work. It is really adorable and unique.

    Reading your blog makes me miss my sister. We have so much fun antiquing together!

  7. Anita, that is the best idea about the baby quilt! How sweet and something to pass on. I love the it. I’m going to start buying Baby Girl clothes with the quilt in mind!!!(Also the birds on that blog are adorable!!!)
    Vicky, it would be soooo fun to get to go antiquing together!
    Gitz I thought you had some of the spongeware…And the little Robin looks a tiny bit like some online cake toppers Bethany sent me (the link) I’ll have to get it and pass it along. They were adorable but cost $250.00!!!
    And the little bird planter?!? I sometimes buy things for no good reason, just out of true love! I would probably put them in my fun room and keep my reading glasses in there. Or in the guest bathroom and put in some extra toothbrushes or Q-tips or they would be cute holding my makeup brushes…hummm. Yes, I gotta have ‘e,!
    love love love
    Brenda,keeeeeep purging! Your house will be streamline before you know it and you’ll have to buy new stuff!
    LuAnn, thanks for stopping by I wonder where your sister lives!? My sis only lives an hour away and still I don’t get to see her very much, so I know the feeling!

  8. I love that little robin! So cute. I think it’d be perfect for a wedding centerpiece. Give it a bit a whimsy. 🙂

  9. Loving all the vintage goods…
    Loving the little robin too, she is so very sweet!

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