Posted by: Robin~AllThingsHeartandHome | March 29, 2009

When God Smiles…

And the winner is: #63! Debbie! Debbie has a blog too! It’s at Studio Bee Creations!   

Debbie, watch for an email from me! I’ll get your bag and hat out to you this week! Congratulations!!! This was so much fun, we’ll do it again next month when I launch my brand spankin new website!!!! One thing I didn’t expect is that I wished I could send every single person a prize! Sometime it would be so much fun to do that…~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 I used this for Metamorphsis Monday and thought I’d add it in to Mr. Linky for Outdoor Wednesday! Beautiful pictures on tons of great blogs over at A Southern Daydreamer!

Don’t ya just love it when you feel a smile from God? You know, when something happens that has to be straight from God just for you…Here’s a little one that involves my Crabapple Tree! But first I want to introduce you to The Girl! She’s no Cherry Blossom but still she’s a beauty!


The little thing only performs at this lever for about 7 days a year.  But oh she’s glorious and extravagant in those 7 days!

Here she is when I 1st noticed her tiny pink blooms a few days ago! Just a few opening here and there!1 32

She started out small and unimpressive. Once she was almost demolished when the big tree next to her fell on top of her.  But as you know if you’ve been reading my little blog….around here, we love a survivor. We couldn’t cut her down.  She’s grown older, not unlike the rest of us. She’s seen her share of storms. Had her share of really bad years…oh I can relate. Maybe this is why we love her so.


She delights me when I’m writing this blog or sewing. This is what I see from the windows in my Fun Room..(It was pouring when I took these pictures!)


So Pretty!


 She’s such a show off!


March is her month to shine…Now to the God Smile…

It was during March a long time ago when God reached down and used our Girl in such a special way.

My beloved Gramma lay in a hospital readying herself for her journey to the other side of eternity. On the day she left us, I drove heartbroken, into my driveway, after spending nearly a week keeping vigil at Gramma’s bedside. Low and behold My Girl, the Crabapple Tree, was in full fuchsia bloom. My breath caught in my throat as I stared at her. It was a God moment.  A sign to me that Gramma was happy and my heart would one day be lighter.  Hang on, God seemed to say through the exuberant little tree, Spring’s coming.


7-yeaLater that same week I was meandering around a quiet antique store feeling overwhelmed with grief and saw a tea cup with a blooming tree similar to my Girl.  I stopped and so did everything around me.  I felt this almost tangible comfort that went straight to my heart.  I gently picked it up the fragile saucer rubbing my fingers over the smooth, cold china.  ‘Maybe I should buy it’, I thought, ‘to help me remember how God had my tree bloom at just the right time’…but I just couldn’t bring myself to spend the money and I left without the cup and saucer. 

Months went by and in December when my girlfriends and I sat down to exchange small gifts, my precious friend Beth handed me a beautiful box. Inside were bright pink (fresh) tiny sweetheart roses that were arranged in a teacup that was exactly like the one I’d seen in the antique store nine months before! I’d never mentioned to Beth about my Crabapple tree or seeing the teacup but Beth tends to listen to The Father when He speaks to her.

Here’s the cup and saucer.


It belonged to Beth and was in her china cabinet for years. She wanted to give me something she said, from her heart. Something that was special to her…she had no idea how the cup and saucer were not only from her but from our Father God~Ohhhh, my bud Beth, I do love her~


These are the reasons Dear Ones that our little tree is so special to us around here.  And why for one week a year I feel the smile of God as she shows off her lovely fuchsia self!

Love to you today Peeps…and prayers for your week to be full of God Smiles~
















  1. I love that God smiled on you that way this week that Elliot came home… Spring is coming, for all of you 🙂

    And what’s this about a new website? Are you changing addresses or just changing looks?

    • Gitz!!!Wow!!! I didn’t think of this, my Girl blooming the very week our baby got our of the NIC U!!!! Got a tingle when I read that!
      My new site will be All Things Heart and Home and my brilliant son in law is switching me over to a self hosting wordpress blog, he’s the host! What we’re waiting for is a graphic designer who is doing the header….it’s really a lot like what’s there now but she’s going to do a different bird cage and bird! I can’t wait…soooo excited, you’ll be happy to know that your buttons have been carefully placed on my new site 🙂
      love to you!

  2. Robin…what a wonderful story and a gorgeous tree! Thanks for sharing it. I’ve had the same thing happen before…those moments when you know, without a doubt, God is talking to you. Thanks for sharing this for Met Monday! Susan

  3. Oh what beautiful blossoms these are. I have that same sweet cup and saucer and I really love it.

  4. This is a beautiful post. God does care even about the smallest details of our lives. I’m so glad that the God of all comfort gave you comfort in such a special way! Thanks for sharing!

  5. your tree is beautiful and such a lovely view from your window. Nature surely can be breath taking.

  6. So beautiful! Must be even more so in person.


  7. What a precious story…. God truly does have ways of comforting us through his nature. The teacup is beautiful! Hugs!

  8. Beautiful post and Beautiful Tree. I will have to wait until May to see mine in bloom. Cindy

  9. What a sweet story of God love and friendship. What an awesome tree and lovely cup set.
    Monday Blessings, Candy

  10. I can’t even describe to you the comfort and joy you just brought to me. I am trying to type with tears welling in my eyes as this really made me emotional for some reason. I know the beauty of crabapple tree first hand. I grew up with one that had the perfect branches spread low for climbing. Oh how I loved that tree 🙂 The joy of the teacup and the tree just made me feel so good. Thank you Robin! My eyes will be open a little wider for God smiles this week.

  11. Gorgeous crab apple tree. Beautiful flowers and the cup and saucer set is precious!..Christine

  12. Wow! I call them God winks, but whatever you call it, it is Grace. Thanks for a wonderful story and beautiful picture. Now you have 2 more things to help you remember your grandmother!

  13. This one caught me in the throat. So beautiful. Love how The Father whispered to Beth and she obeyed.

    Can’t imagine how you can make a better site than this one. Looking forward to what Jon Smith can do.

    I’m trying to figure out how to add a blog to a godaddy site….

  14. Such a great post. I love how God takes the seemingly ordinary and makes it extraordinary. Blessings, SusanD

  15. Sweet story, lovely post.


  16. I loved the story! God is pretty spectacular.

  17. Gorgeous tree, blessings!
    I love when my blooming cherry trees start their change this time of year too, brightens my world!
    Linda Q

  18. Beautiful trees. God is always smiling on us. That is just lovely.

  19. How beautiful! I love it when the trees bloom in the spring and yours is glorious.

  20. God smiles on us all so often…it’s the times we really notice that touch our hearts and change us forever. Bless you for this story, your beautiful little tree and your wonderful friend Beth…all smiles from God to all of us…Thank you.

  21. Happy Outdoor Wednesday
    Robin! Beautiful pictures! Spring is here!
    Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  22. Robin,
    Wow. Just this morning I was telling my dear husband how much I love and adore our sweet little Crabapple tree. We finally had an offer on our house and accepted it yesterday and I was saying how much I am going to miss our beautiful tree when we move and how we will have to go out and buy one for our new house right away. I was almost freaked out when I came by your blog to visit – it’s been a crazy week and I haven’t been here. I am still waiting for my sweet little tree to bloom…any minute now…but not quite yet. This is my favorite time with this wonderful tree! Thank you for such a sweet post – I’m so glad there is another person out there who understands how special the Crabapple is!

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