Posted by: Robin~AllThingsHeartandHome | February 27, 2009

~Ahhhh, Order Restores Creativity~


It’s Friday! And that means Melissa at Inspired Rooms is having her Beautiful Life Blog Party! Also Hooked on Houses is having a Hooked on Friday party, vist over there to get loads of ideas on just what everyone is hooked on this week!

This week I played a LOT in my fun room. I was crafting, writing and getting some things ready for Monday. (I’m gettin my Spring ON!!! ) At one point, I started feeling really yucky! Almost confused about what to do next. Overwhelmed…Ahhhh..and I looked around my room…



 Hummmmm, so I stopped and took a few minutes to restore the order to my world.

Order, peace, tranquility, relax, creativity…once my space was in order…Ahhhhhh, the beauty of it all.



The creativity started to flow again. 


The pups could have cared less…





sadie-sue(I’m puppy-sitting for Sadie this week!)

But for me…order is a beautiful thing ~& I’m completely hooked! Take ten to restore order to your world~

Love and prayers ~


  1. I am sitting in my closet right now and it is a clutter tsunami. I do love order, it brings peace and tranquility to my heart. My entire world feels out of order when there is clutter on my kitchen table. It makes me feel like the entire house is a mess.
    Back to the closet, it is a mess and I am going to have to organize it soon. For today I will just close the door. lol
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Ruthie…set the date and clean the demon closet!!!! (you can blog it oh how we’d love to see!)

  3. I’m still bitter about the “latte'” colored outside trash can!

  4. It’s like this…I had the can of spray paint in my hand and the little things were just sitting on top of the outside trash can and my choice was:
    *go get paper and carefully cover the trash can
    *point and spray…
    I went with the instant gratification, who could blame me, I’m spray painting a bird cage today do ya want me to finish painting the trash can?

  5. Maybe you could just lay the bird cage on the new deck and spray it there! Ha!

  6. Robin…Great minds think alike…DON’T you just LOVE your creative space???Looks wonderful to me…and I agree….I need some semblance of order before I get started on something serious! Make it a creative weekend!

  7. Greetings Robin, I read your comment at Sara’s spot “Gitzen Girl” and saw you are doing Beth Moore’s Believing God. Me too! I’m loving it. She is wonderful. — I’ll be doing some uncluttering and organizing this weekend also. I am so ready for spring. Daffodils have busted through the ground and frogs are singing. Y-A-Y! Have a fabulous weekend. Blessings, Susan

  8. I’m in the midst of moving and trying to bring order to my smaller apartment. I love your fun room and especially the way you’ve covered your desk. I have a big old table for my desk and was just wondering what on earth I could do to make it look nice. You’re using a quilt right?

    Adorable pups with a capital “A”!

    Really love this Beautiful Life Friday and will have to jump in on the fun as son as I get settled a bit! ♥

    • I do use a full size quilt on my table and my ironing board!!!(Which is next to my table) This way I can store loads of stuff underneath them!!!
      Good luck with your settlings in, prayers for things to settle down quickly!

  9. I always find I have one or two rooms in total disarray, its a constant battle. But there are degrees of clutter I can live with and then it hits a certain point and I can’t take it. Then I go on the attack and afterwards, I feel so restored and refreshed.

    Do you have any creative solution to school paper clutter and masses of kid’s art? I’d love to hear them!

    And those pup pics are sooo adorable, but that one of Boo just melts me!!!

    Blessings Robin! Hmmm, and perhaps an aluminum colored spray paint would make The Husband happy and you at the same time?

    • Kids geTONS of paper don’t they??? I’ll think about that and try to remember what I did. One thing I thought right off the bat is after I displayed their art or the A+ Spelling tests :), I had a box for each kiddo and just stacked the stuff in the box (Under the bed boxes helped me store them easily) Then during the Summer they went back through the stuff (with my help) and decided what to keep, now honestly, I ended up doing most of that but it was a good concept.
      I just cleaned out a file cabinet in the basement and found loads of artwork and reports and projects filed away! It was fun to look back on:)

  10. It’s amazing what an orderly room can do to your spirit! Love it so glad i found your blog through the Beautiful Life Party!

  11. LOL Paint the trash can, Robin! This was a fantastic post. I LOVE that you’re brave enough to show a mess! The comments section has some great tips in it, too, like ‘set the date and clean the demon closet’. Did I quote that correctly. I didn’t read them all but I’m coming back with my trusty notebook in hand. This is great!

    Love you always, and your pooches are stealing my heart. Riley may have to allow me to add four more little sweeties to my puppy crush.

  12. Thanks for coming by my place. Your pups are SO cute! Love the room. Honestly, even when it was messy it was cute.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. The quilts you use in you fun room are beautiful! I agree is easier to be creative when you start out with a little bit of order. Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. I should really go do that to my space too but……I’ve got kids to get to hockey and lessons. Tomorrow I’ll do it all 🙂

  15. Oh, that is the sweetest picture of Boo! I’m totally with you on needing some semblance of order… my desk needs tackling as we speak.

    And I have to know… why two computers? What kind of high-tech crafting do you have going on?!?!?!

    [Anita: I won’t tell Riley you’re cheating on him… :)]

    • I will say The Boo went to the groomer last week and they took him down to his pink skin. He’s never had his ears shaved and he’s totally embarassed! The 2 computers are no big deal, just my old laptop and my new one. The old one is going to blow any day now and I’ve got to get it backed up so I put it in the fun room and have been multi-tasking!!!
      (We may get snow tomorrow!!!I’ll keep you posted. Don’t worry, I have milk and bread!)

  16. This looks like the perfect place to create. And with those pups nearby for company too!

  17. Sunday March 1and so much for spring!!!! I came down to south atl for a break from my nc mtn weather. Snowed here 5 inches and no snow at home, LOL. Love your pups, I’m ready to get me another small dog, snuggle, snuggle.

  18. Your captions on the photos were cracking me up. What a pretty space to work in! And those pups–too cute. -Julia 🙂

  19. I can’t help but to notice that Sadie all 3 of those bones for herself. Selfish little only child!

  20. The pups are so adorable & smoochable! I’m in awe of your craft room. (I’m having some serious craftroom envy going on right now!) ☺ Diane

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